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Anthony Large Format Camera, 8X10 Brass Lens, Tripod, Box, More", "$580.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(3,02,20) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("160726776238 ", "Antique Spencer Microscope in Wooden Box - Leitz , Spencer Brass Lens", "$99.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(3,10,31) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("130638094874 ", "Goerz Patent Double Anastigmat (Dagor) 6 inch brass lens for large format camera", "$314.82", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(3,18,31) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("360430985469 ", "DALLMEYER Est: 8in (200mm) 2b CIRCA: 1863 UNPATENT ORDINARY PETZVAL TYPE LENS ", "$332.22", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(3,22,26) , 3, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("360430986863 ", "ED LIESEGANG (DUSSELDORF) Est: 19.5in (495mm) BRASS LENS WITH SLOT FOR W/H STOPS", "$145.54", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(3,22,36) , 2, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("360430988147 ", "HERMAGIS (PARIS) 6.5in (165mm) Est BRASS PETZVAL TYPE DUAL FORMAT LENS ", "$632.80", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(3,22,46) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("130639988057 ", "Antique early Lerebours Daguerreoptype/wet plate Petzval type brass lens.", "$870.10", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(3,22,51) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("360430989932 ", "LEREBOURS et SECRETAN a PARIS 3.5in (90mm) Est EARLY BRASS LENS WITH FLANGE. ", "$237.30", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(3,22,59) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("360430992257 ", "UN-NAMED EARLY Est: 9in (230mm) SINGLE CELL BRASS LENS WITH PULL/PUSH FOCUS. ", "$31.64", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(3,23,14) , 1, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("360430993014 ", "UN-NAMED Est: 6in (155mm) SMALL BRASS LENS WITH WATERHOUSE STOP & FLANGE", "$31.64", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(3,23,19) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("150748848226 ", "UN-NAMED Est: 9in (230mm) f6 EURYSCOPE SUPERIEUR BRASS LENS WITH IRIS DIAPHRAGM ", "$156.62", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(3,23,22) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("360431004128 ", "A GORDE Opt. (PARIS) Est: 8in 200mm) SMALL BRASS LENS WITH WATERHOUSE & IRIS ", "$94.92", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(4,00,24) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("270906189227 ", "RO & C Automatic Brass Lens Red Bellows Rauber Wollensak Wood Box Camera Antique", "$179.99", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(4,10,05) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("180809638210 ", "Voigtlander Sohn Wien Brass lens 18cm 180mm 7 inch Rotating Iris Disc Mt Ring ", "$390.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(5,00,06) , 2, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("320840981827 ", "Antique Petzval Lens Brass and Chrome", "$25.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(5,00,32) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("320841099845 ", "Antique Petzval Brass Lens Elements", "$25.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(5,03,54) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("270906007143 ", "Vintage BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL 16mm Brass Lens Case", "$9.99", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(6,03,55) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("260948433200 ", "VINTAGE BRASS LENS Goerz 240mm DAGOR Serie111", "$32.50", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(6,04,28) , 2, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("290665974795 ", "Rodenstock Apo-Ronar 480mm/19 inch 1:9 Brass Lens W/Flange, Crisp & Sharp Lens", "$141.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(6,08,07) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("290665975040 ", "Antique T.T. & H Ltd Cooke Aviar 8¼ Inch F4.5 Brass Lens", "$0.99", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(6,08,08) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("290665975174 ", "Antique J Lancaster & Son Rectigraph 9 Inch ½ Plate Brass Lens For Wet Plate", "$116.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(6,08,09) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("290665975367 ", "Antique Hugo Meyer Aristoplanat 10¾ Inch F7.7 Brass Lens With Flange No 755380", "$144.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(6,08,10) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("290665975562 ", "Antique Ross 12 Inch 8½x6½ Wet Plate Brass Lens With Waterhouse Opening c1878", "$321.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(6,08,10) , 0, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("250985331120 ", "Dallmeyer 3A Petzval design portrait lens", "$202.50", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(6,08,54) , 12, 2, "", "true" ); _item8("140662128339 ", "J C Somerville Brass lens with rotating aperture wheel. Serial #3544 ^", "$345.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(8,00,34) , _genItemLink(140662128339, binIcon) , 2, "", "true" ); _item8("230730634295 ", "watson 5in brass lens wood teak thornton adams beck lancaster flange", "$189.84", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(8,17,07) , _genItemLink(230730634295, binIcon) , 2, "", "true" ); _item8("120844276782 ", "Vintage Brass Lens Flange 33 mm ", "$29.99", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(11,00,40) , _genItemLink(120844276782, binIcon) , 2, "", "true" ); _item8("350524862485 ", "Super Basel Petzval (38 cm long/165 mm diameter) no marking", "$3,000.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(12,21,29) , _genItemLink(350524862485, binIcon) , 2, "", "true" ); _item8("350524862525 ", "Darlot Petzval Brass lens", "$2,500.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(12,21,29) , _genItemLink(350524862525, binIcon) , 2, "", "true" ); _item8("350524862562 ", "Lens Beck Symmetrical F=8 vintage brass lens", "$450.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(12,21,29) , _genItemLink(350524862562, binIcon) , 2, "", "true" ); _item8("350524862578 ", "E.Renaux Petzval Basel Dopp. Anastigmat Serie 1, #7 F=7.5", "$300.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(12,21,29) , _genItemLink(350524862578, binIcon) , 2, "", "true" ); _item8("350524874803 ", "Hermagis Paris #19.825 Petzval", "$2,500.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(12,21,49) , _genItemLink(350524874803, binIcon) , 2, "", "true" ); _item8("350524874812 ", "Voigtlander Sohn Braunschweig Euruscop IV #7 Petzval", "$3,500.00", "", "-1", _getTimeLeft(12,21,49) , _genItemLink(350524874812, binIcon) , 2, "", "true" ); _footer(_disclaimer8); } document.write(_getSniplet());